Why You Should Pre-Plan Your Funeral

If you're nearing the end of your life, or even if you feel like you may have many more years left, it makes sense to ensure that your funeral arrangements are made ahead of time. This might not sound like an attractive task, but pre-planning your funeral is ultimately advantageous for everyone.

Reduces the Cost

People often underestimate the cost of a funeral and fail to work it into their will. This often means that family members are left to foot the bill, and expenses can add up extremely quickly. Remember, even if you make allowances for the cost of the service when choosing who you'll leave money to, that money will take time to come through, and it will usually not be available to cover funeral expenses.

Additionally, many funeral homes provide discounts for those who take advantage of the pre-planning services which they offer. You should also be able to pay for the cost over time.

Makes Your Final Wishes Known

Every funeral should be unique, representing the life of the person who has passed. The best way to have things your way is to plan the funeral yourself. Nobody is better placed than you to do so, especially since family members may be hesitant to broach the subject with you while you're still alive.

Pre-planning your funeral means that you can decide on anything from the most important considerations – such as whether you'd like to be cremated and what you'd like to be done with your ashes – to the more minor details – such as which music will be played. While family members would have had to rush to put the service together, you'll be able to take the time to get all the details right.

Prevents Stress for Your Family

The last thing you'll want is for your family to have to deal with both the emotional strain of your passing and the practical considerations involved with arranging a funeral service. You can ease the already enormous amount of stress which they will be under by making sure that all of your affairs are in order.

Family members often struggle when deciding what choices you would have made, and are often distressed by the idea of getting it wrong. By pre-planning, you'll ensure that they can grieve in peace.

Pre-planning your funeral means that you'll be able to arrange everything exactly the way you want it, and provide your family with the peace of mind which comes with laying you to rest in the way you desired.
